# hs.screen

Manipulate screens (i.e. monitors)

The macOS coordinate system used by Hammerspoon assumes a grid that spans all the screens (positioned as per System Preferences->Displays->Arrangement). The origin 0,0 is at the top left corner of the primary screen. (Screens to the left of the primary screen, or above it, and windows on these screens, will have negative coordinates)

# Submodules

# API Overview

Variables - Configurable values

  • strictScreenInDirection

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • accessibilitySettings
  • find
  • restoreGamma
  • screenPositions

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • allScreens
  • mainScreen
  • primaryScreen

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • absoluteToLocal
  • availableModes
  • currentMode
  • desktopImageURL
  • frame
  • fromUnitRect
  • fullFrame
  • getBrightness
  • getForceToGray
  • getGamma
  • getInfo
  • getInvertedPolarity
  • getUUID
  • id
  • localToAbsolute
  • mirrorOf
  • mirrorStop
  • name
  • next
  • position
  • previous
  • rotate
  • setBrightness
  • setForceToGray
  • setGamma
  • setInvertedPolarity
  • setMode
  • setOrigin
  • setPrimary
  • shotAsJPG
  • shotAsPNG
  • snapshot
  • toEast
  • toNorth
  • toSouth
  • toUnitRect
  • toWest

# API Documentation

# Variables

# strictScreenInDirection

Signature hs.screen.strictScreenInDirection
Type Variable
Description If set to true, the methods hs.screen:toEast(), :toNorth() etc. will disregard screens that lie perpendicularly to the desired axis
Notes None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 343

# Functions

# accessibilitySettings

Signature hs.screen.accessibilitySettings() -> table
Type Function
Description Gets the current state of the screen-related accessibility settings
  • None
  • A table containing the following keys, and corresponding boolean values for whether the user has enabled these options:
  • ReduceMotion (only available on macOS 10.12 or later)
  • ReduceTransparency
  • IncreaseContrast
  • InvertColors (only available on macOS 10.12 or later)
  • DifferentiateWithoutColor
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 1337

# find

| | | | --------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Signature | hs.screen.find(hint) -> hs.screen object(s) | | Type | Function | | Description | Finds screens | | Parameters |

  • hint - search criterion for the desired screen(s); it can be: a number as per hs.screen:id() a string containing the UUID of the desired screen a string pattern that matches (via string.match) the screen name as per hs.screen:name() (for convenience, the matching will be done on lowercased strings) an hs.geometry point object, or constructor argument, with the x and y position of the screen in the current layout as per hs.screen:position() an hs.geometry size object, or constructor argument, with the resolution of the screen as per hs.screen:fullFrame() an hs.geometry rect object, or constructor argument, with an arbitrary rect in absolute coordinates; the screen containing the largest part of the rect will be returned
| | Returns |
  • one or more hs.screen objects that match the supplied search criterion, or nil if none found
| | Notes |
  • for convenience you call this as hs.screen(hint)
  • Example:
  • lua</li><li>hs.screen(724562417) --> Color LCD - by id</li><li>hs.screen'Dell' --> DELL U2414M - by name</li><li>hs.screen'Built%-in' --> Built-in Retina Display, note the % to escape the hyphen repetition character</li><li>hs.screen'0,0' --> PHL BDM4065 - by position, same as hs.screen.primaryScreen()</li><li>hs.screen{x=-1,y=0} --> DELL U2414M - by position, screen to the immediate left of the primary screen</li><li>hs.screen'3840x2160' --> PHL BDM4065 - by screen resolution</li><li>hs.screen'-500,240 700x1300' --> DELL U2414M, by arbitrary rect</li><li>
| | Examples | None | | Source | extensions/screen/screen.lua line 43 |

# restoreGamma

Signature hs.screen.restoreGamma()
Type Function
Description Restore the gamma settings to defaults
  • None
  • None
  • This returns all displays to the gamma tables specified by the user's selected ColorSync display profiles
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 294

# screenPositions

Signature hs.screen.screenPositions() -> table
Type Function
Description Returns a list of all connected and enabled screens, along with their "position" relative to the primary screen
  • None
  • a table where each key is an hs.screen object, and the corresponding value is a table , where X and Y attempt to indicate each screen's position relative to the primary screen (which is at ); so e.g. a value of indicates a screen immediately to the left of the primary screen, and a value of indicates a screen positioned below the primary screen, with another screen inbetween.
  • grid-like arrangements of same-sized screens should behave consistently; but there's no guarantee of a consistent result for more "exotic" screen arrangements
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 124

# Constructors

# allScreens

Signature hs.screen.allScreens() -> hs.screen[]
Type Constructor
Description Returns all the screens
  • None
  • A table containing one or more hs.screen objects
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 907

# mainScreen

Signature hs.screen.mainScreen() -> screen
Type Constructor
Description Returns the 'main' screen, i.e. the one containing the currently focused window
  • None
  • An hs.screen object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 932

# primaryScreen

Signature hs.screen.primaryScreen() -> screen
Type Constructor
Description Gets the primary screen
  • None
  • An hs.screen object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 30

# Methods

# absoluteToLocal

Signature hs.screen:absoluteToLocal(geom) -> hs.geometry object
Type Method
Description Transforms from the absolute coordinate space used by OSX/Hammerspoon to the screen's local coordinate space, where 0,0 is at the screen's top left corner
  • geom - an hs.geometry point or rect, or arguments to construct one
  • an hs.geometry point or rect, transformed to the screen's local coordinate space
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 259

# availableModes

Signature hs.screen:availableModes() -> table
Type Method
Description Returns a table containing the screen modes supported by the screen. A screen mode is a combination of resolution, scaling factor and colour depth
  • None
  • A table containing the supported screen modes. The keys of the table take the form of "1440x900@2x" (for a HiDPI mode) or "1680x1050@1x" (for a native DPI mode). The values are tables which contain the keys:
  • w - A number containing the width of the screen mode in points
  • h - A number containing the height of the screen mode in points
  • scale - A number containing the scaling factor of the screen mode (typically 1 for a native mode, 2 for a HiDPI mode)
  • freq - A number containing the vertical refresh rate in Hz
  • depth - A number containing the bit depth of the display mode
  • Prior to 0.9.83, only 32-bit colour modes would be returned, but now all colour depths are returned. This has necessitated changing the naming of the modes in the returned table.
  • "points" are not necessarily the same as pixels, because they take the scale factor into account (e.g. "1440x900@2x" is a 2880x1800 screen resolution, with a scaling factor of 2, i.e. with HiDPI pixel-doubled rendering enabled), however, they are far more useful to work with than native pixel modes, when a Retina screen is involved. For non-retina screens, points and pixels are equivalent.
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 174

# currentMode

Signature hs.screen:currentMode() -> table
Type Method
Description Returns a table describing the current screen mode
  • None
  • A table containing the current screen mode. The keys of the table are:
  • w - A number containing the width of the screen mode in points
  • h - A number containing the height of the screen mode in points
  • scale - A number containing the scaling factor of the screen mode (typically 1 for a native mode, 2 for a HiDPI mode)
  • freq - A number containing the vertical refresh rate in Hz
  • depth - A number containing the bit depth
  • desc - A string containing a representation of the mode as used in hs.screen:availableModes() - e.g. "1920x1080@2x 60Hz 4bpp"
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 125

# desktopImageURL

Signature hs.screen:desktopImageURL([imageURL])
Type Method
Description Gets/Sets the desktop background image for a screen
  • imageURL - An optional file:// URL to an image file to set as the background. If omitted, the current file URL is returned
  • the hs.screen object if a new URL was set, otherwise a string containing the current URL
  • If the user has set a folder of pictures to be alternated as the desktop background, the path to that folder will be returned.
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 1295

# frame

Signature hs.screen:frame() -> hs.geometry rect
Type Method
Description Returns the screen frame, without the dock or menu.
  • None
  • an hs.geometry rect describing this screen's "usable" frame (i.e. without the dock and menu bar) in absolute coordinates
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 198

# fromUnitRect

Signature hs.screen:fromUnitRect(unitrect) -> hs.geometry rect
Type Method
Description Returns the absolute rect of a given unit rect within this screen
  • unitrect - an hs.geometry unit rect, or arguments to construct one
  • an hs.geometry rect describing the given unit rect in absolute coordinates
  • this method is just a convenience wrapper for hs.geometry.fromUnitRect(unitrect,this_screen:frame())
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 214

# fullFrame

Signature hs.screen:fullFrame() -> hs.geometry rect
Type Method
Description Returns the screen frame, including the dock and menu.
  • None
  • an hs.geometry rect describing this screen's frame in absolute coordinates
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 182

# getBrightness

Signature hs.screen:getBrightness() -> number or nil
Type Method
Description Gets the screen's brightness
  • None
  • A floating point number between 0 and 1, containing the current brightness level, or nil if the display does not support brightness queries
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 629

# getForceToGray

Signature hs.screen.getForceToGray() -> boolean
Type Method
Description Gets the screen's ForceToGray setting
  • None
  • A boolean, true if the ForceToGray mode is set, otherwise false
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 774

# getGamma

Signature hs.screen:getGamma() -> [whitepoint, blackpoint] or nil
Type Method
Description Gets the current whitepoint and blackpoint of the screen
  • None
  • A table containing the white point and black point of the screen, or nil if an error occurred. The keys whitepoint and blackpoint each have values of a table containing the following keys, with corresponding values between 0.0 and 1.0:
  • red
  • green
  • blue
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 316

# getInfo

Signature hs.screen:getInfo() -> table or nil
Type Method
Description Gets a table of information about an hs.screen object
  • None
  • A table containing various information, or nil if an error occurred.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 740

# getInvertedPolarity

Signature hs.screen.getInvertedPolarity() -> boolean
Type Method
Description Gets the screen's InvertedPolarity setting
  • None
  • A boolean, true if the InvertedPolarity mode is set, otherwise false
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 812

# getUUID

Signature hs.screen:getUUID() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the UUID of an hs.screen object
  • None
  • A string containing the UUID, or nil if an error occurred.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 711

# id

Signature hs.screen:id() -> number
Type Method
Description Returns a screen's unique ID
  • None
  • A number containing the ID of the screen
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 45

# localToAbsolute

Signature hs.screen:localToAbsolute(geom) -> hs.geometry object
Type Method
Description Transforms from the screen's local coordinate space, where 0,0 is at the screen's top left corner, to the absolute coordinate space used by OSX/Hammerspoon
  • geom - an hs.geometry point or rect, or arguments to construct one
  • an hs.geometry point or rect, transformed to the absolute coordinate space
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 246

# mirrorOf

Signature hs.screen:mirrorOf(aScreen[, permanent]) -> bool
Type Method
Description Make this screen mirror another
  • aScreen - an hs.screen object you wish to mirror
  • permanent - an optional bool, true if this should be configured permanently, false if it should apply just for this login session. Defaults to false.
  • true if the operation succeeded, otherwise false
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 1145

# mirrorStop

Signature hs.screen:mirrorStop([permanent]) -> bool
Type Method
Description Stops this screen mirroring another
  • permanent - an optional bool, true if this should be configured permanently, false if it should apply just for this login session. Defaults to false.
  • true if the operation succeeded, otherwise false
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 1178

# name

Signature hs.screen:name() -> string or nil
Type Method
Description Returns the preferred name for the screen set by the manufacturer
  • None
  • A string containing the name of the screen, or nil if an error occurred
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 64

# next

Signature hs.screen:next() -> screen
Type Method
Description Gets the screen 'after' this one (in arbitrary order); this method wraps around to the first screen.
  • None
  • An hs.screen object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 272

# position

Signature hs.screen:position() -> x, y
Type Method
Description Return a given screen's position relative to the primary screen - see 'hs.screen.screenPositions()'
  • None
  • two integers indicating the screen position in the current screen arrangement, in the x and y axis respectively.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 166

# previous

Signature hs.screen:previous() -> screen
Type Method
Description Gets the screen 'before' this one (in arbitrary order); this method wraps around to the last screen.
  • None
  • An hs.screen object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 289

# rotate

| | | | --------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Signature | hs.screen:rotate([degrees]) -> bool or rotation angle | | Type | Method | | Description | Gets/Sets the rotation of a screen | | Parameters |

  • degrees - An optional number indicating how many degrees clockwise, to rotate. If no number is provided, the current rotation will be returned. This number must be one of: 0 90 180 270
| | Returns |
  • If the rotation is being set, a boolean, true if the operation succeeded, otherwise false. If the rotation is being queried, a number will be returned
| | Notes | None | | Examples | None | | Source | extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 1023 |

# setBrightness

Signature hs.screen:setBrightness(brightness) -> hs.screen object
Type Method
Description Sets the screen's brightness
  • brightness - A floating point number between 0 and 1
  • The hs.screen object
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 676

# setForceToGray

Signature hs.screen.setForceToGray(ForceToGray) -> None
Type Method
Description Sets the screen's ForceToGray mode
  • ForceToGray - A boolean if ForceToGray mode should be enabled
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 793

# setGamma

| | | | --------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Signature | hs.screen:setGamma(whitepoint, blackpoint) -> boolean | | Type | Method | | Description | Sets the current white point and black point of the screen | | Parameters |

  • whitepoint - A table containing color component values between 0.0 and 1.0 for each of the keys: red green blue
  • blackpoint - A table containing color component values between 0.0 and 1.0 for each of the keys: red green blue
| | Returns |
  • A boolean, true if the gamma settings were applied, false if an error occurred
| | Notes |
  • If the whitepoint and blackpoint specified, are very similar, it will be impossible to read the screen. You should exercise caution, and may wish to bind a hotkey to hs.screen.restoreGamma() when experimenting
| | Examples | None | | Source | extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 512 |

# setInvertedPolarity

Signature hs.screen.setInvertedPolarity(InvertedPolarity) -> None
Type Method
Description Sets the screen's InvertedPolarity mode
  • InvertedPolarity - A boolean if InvertedPolarity mode should be enabled
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 831

# setMode

Signature hs.screen:setMode(width, height, scale, frequency, depth) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Sets the screen to a new mode
  • width - A number containing the width in points of the new mode
  • height - A number containing the height in points of the new mode
  • scale - A number containing the scaling factor of the new mode (typically 1 for native pixel resolutions, 2 for HiDPI/Retina resolutions)
  • frequency - A number containing the vertical refresh rate, in Hertz of the new mode
  • depth - A number containing the bit depth of the new mode
  • A boolean, true if the requested mode was set, otherwise false
  • The available widths/heights/scales can be seen in the output of hs.screen:availableModes(), however, it should be noted that the CoreGraphics subsystem seems to list more modes for a given screen than it is actually prepared to set, so you may find that seemingly valid modes still return false. It is not currently understood why this is so!
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 246

# setOrigin

Signature hs.screen:setOrigin(x, y) -> bool
Type Method
Description Sets the origin of a screen in the global display coordinate space. The origin of the main or primary display is (0,0). The new origin is placed as close as possible to the requested location, without overlapping or leaving a gap between displays. If you use this function to change the origin of a mirrored display, the display may be removed from the mirroring set.
  • x - The desired x-coordinate for the upper-left corner of the display.
  • y - The desired y-coordinate for the upper-left corner of the display.
  • true if the operation succeeded, otherwise false
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 1102

# setPrimary

Signature hs.screen:setPrimary() -> boolean
Type Method
Description Sets the screen to be the primary display (i.e. contain the menubar and dock)
  • None
  • A boolean, true if the operation succeeded, otherwise false
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 950

# shotAsJPG

Signature hs.screen:shotAsJPG(filePath[, screenRect])
Type Method
Description Saves an image of the screen to a JPG file
  • filePath - A string containing a file path to save the screenshot as
  • screenRect - An optional hs.geometry rect (or arguments for its constructor) containing a portion of the screen to capture. Defaults to the whole screen
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 410

# shotAsPNG

Signature hs.screen:shotAsPNG(filePath[, screenRect])
Type Method
Description Saves an image of the screen to a PNG file
  • filePath - A string containing a file path to save the screenshot as
  • screenRect - An optional hs.geometry rect (or arguments for its constructor) containing a portion of the screen to capture. Defaults to the whole screen
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 395

# snapshot

Signature hs.screen:snapshot([rect]) -> object
Type Method
Description Captures an image of the screen
  • rect - An optional rect-table containing a portion of the screen to capture. Defaults to the whole screen
  • An hs.image object, or nil if an error occurred
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/libscreen.m line 1270

# toEast

Signature hs.screen:toEast(from, strict) -> hs.screen object
Type Method
Description Gets the first screen to the east of this one, ordered by proximity to its center or a specified point.
  • from - An hs.geometry.rect or hs.geometry.point object; if omitted, the geometric center of this screen will be used
  • strict - If true, disregard screens that lie completely above or below this one (alternatively, set hs.screen.strictScreenInDirection)
  • An hs.screen object, or nil if not found
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 348

# toNorth

Signature hs.screen:toNorth(from, strict) -> hs.screen object
Type Method
Description Gets the first screen to the north of this one, ordered by proximity to its center or a specified point.
  • from - An hs.geometry.rect or hs.geometry.point object; if omitted, the geometric center of this screen will be used
  • strict - If true, disregard screens that lie completely to the left or to the right of this one (alternatively, set hs.screen.strictScreenInDirection)
  • An hs.screen object, or nil if not found
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 370

# toSouth

Signature hs.screen:toSouth(from, strict) -> hs.screen object
Type Method
Description Gets the first screen to the south of this one, ordered by proximity to its center or a specified point.
  • from - An hs.geometry.rect or hs.geometry.point object; if omitted, the geometric center of this screen will be used
  • strict - If true, disregard screens that lie completely to the left or to the right of this one (alternatively, set hs.screen.strictScreenInDirection)
  • An hs.screen object, or nil if not found
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 381

# toUnitRect

Signature hs.screen:toUnitRect(rect) -> hs.geometry unitrect
Type Method
Description Returns the unit rect of a given rect, relative to this screen
  • rect - an hs.geometry rect, or arguments to construct one
  • an hs.geometry unit rect describing the given rect relative to this screen's frame
  • this method is just a convenience wrapper for hs.geometry.toUnitRect(rect,this_screen:frame())
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 230

# toWest

Signature hs.screen:toWest(from, strict) -> hs.screen object
Type Method
Description Gets the first screen to the west of this one, ordered by proximity to its center or a specified point.
  • from - An hs.geometry.rect or hs.geometry.point object; if omitted, the geometric center of this screen will be used
  • strict - If true, disregard screens that lie completely above or below this one (alternatively, set hs.screen.strictScreenInDirection)
  • An hs.screen object, or nil if not found
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/screen/screen.lua line 359