# hs.notify

This module allows you to create on screen notifications in the User Notification Center located at the right of the users screen.

Notifications can be sent immediately or scheduled for delivery at a later time, even if that scheduled time occurs when Hammerspoon is not currently running. Currently, if you take action on a notification while Hammerspoon is not running, the callback function is not honored for the first notification clicked upon -- This is expected to be fixed in a future release.

When setting up a callback function, you have the option of specifying it with the creation of the notification (hs.notify.new) or by pre-registering it with hs.notify.register and then referring it to by the tag name specified with hs.notify.register. If you use this registration method for defining your callback functions, and make sure to register all expected callback functions within your init.lua file or files it includes, then callback functions will remain available for existing notifications in the User Notification Center even if Hammerspoon's configuration is reloaded or if Hammerspoon is restarted. If the callback tag is not present when the user acts on the notification, the Hammerspoon console will be raised as a default action.

A shorthand, based upon the original inspiration for this module from Hydra and Mjolnir, hs.notify.show, is provided if you just require a quick and simple informative notification without the bells and whistles.

This module is based in part on code from the previous incarnation of Mjolnir by Steven Degutis.

# API Overview

Constants - Useful values which cannot be changed

  • activationTypes
  • defaultNotificationSound

Variables - Configurable values

  • registry
  • warnAboutMissingFunctionTag

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • deliveredNotifications
  • register
  • scheduledNotifications
  • unregister
  • unregisterall
  • withdrawAll
  • withdrawAllScheduled

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • new
  • show

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • actionButtonTitle
  • activationType
  • actualDeliveryDate
  • additionalActions
  • additionalActivationAction
  • alwaysPresent
  • alwaysShowAdditionalActions
  • autoWithdraw
  • contentImage
  • delivered
  • getFunctionTag
  • hasActionButton
  • hasReplyButton
  • informativeText
  • otherButtonTitle
  • presented
  • response
  • responsePlaceholder
  • schedule
  • send
  • setIdImage
  • soundName
  • subTitle
  • title
  • withdraw
  • withdrawAfter

# API Documentation

# Constants

# activationTypes

Signature hs.notify.activationTypes[]
Type Constant
Description Convenience array of the possible activation types for a notification, and their reverse for reference.
  • Count starts at zero. (implemented in Objective-C)
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 1315

# defaultNotificationSound

Signature hs.notify.defaultNotificationSound
Type Constant
Description The string representation of the default notification sound. Use hs.notify:soundName() or set the soundName attribute in hs:notify.new(), to this constant, if you want to use the default sound
Notes None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 1503

# Variables

# registry

Signature hs.notify.registry[]
Type Variable
Description A table containing the registered callback functions and their tags.
  • This table should not be modified directly. Use the hs.notify.register(tag, fn) and hs.notify.unregister(id) functions.
  • This table has a __tostring metamethod so you can see the list of registered function tags in the console by typing hs.notify.registry
  • See hs.notify.warnAboutMissingFunctionTag for determining the behavior when a notification attempts to perform a callback to a function tag which is not present in this table. This occurrence is most common with notifications which are acted upon by the user after Hammerspoon has been reloaded.
Source extensions/notify/notify.lua line 253

# warnAboutMissingFunctionTag

Signature hs.notify.warnAboutMissingFunctionTag
Type Variable
Description A value indicating whether or not a missing notification function tag should cause a warning. Defaults to true.
Notes None
Source extensions/notify/notify.lua line 50

# Functions

# deliveredNotifications

Signature hs.notify.deliveredNotifications() -> table
Type Function
Description Returns a table containing notifications which have been delivered.
  • None
  • a table containing the notification userdata objects for all Hammerspoon notifications currently in the notification center
  • Only notifications which have been presented but not cleared, either by the user clicking on the hs.notify:otherButtonTitle or through auto-withdrawal (see hs.notify:autoWithdraw for more details), will be in the array returned.
  • You can use this function along with hs.notify:getFunctionTag to re=register necessary callback functions with hs.notify.register when Hammerspoon is restarted.
  • Since notifications which the user has closed (or cancelled) do not trigger a callback, you can check this table with a timer to see if the user has cleared a notification, e.g.
  • lua
  • myNotification = hs.notify.new():send()
  • clearCheck = hs.timer.doEvery(10, function()
  • if not hs.fnutils.contains(hs.notify.deliveredNotifications(), myNotification) then
  • if myNotification:activationType() == hs.notify.activationTypes.none then
  • print("You dismissed me!")
  • else
  • print("A regular action occurred, so callback (if any) was invoked")
  • end
  • clearCheck:stop() -- either way, no need to keep polling
  • clearCheck = nil
  • end
  • end)
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 212

# register

Signature hs.notify.register(tag, fn) -> id
Type Function
Description Registers a function callback with the specified tag for a notification. The callback function will be invoked when the user clicks on or interacts with a notification.
  • tag - a string tag to identify the registered callback function. Use this as the function tag in hs.notify.new and hs.notify.show
  • fn - the function which should be invoked when a notification with this tag is interacted with.
  • a numerical id representing the entry in hs.notify.registry for this function. This number can be used with hs.notify.unregister to unregister a function later if you wish.
  • If a function is already registered with the specified tag, it is replaced by with the new one.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/notify.lua line 178

# scheduledNotifications

Signature hs.notify.scheduledNotifications() -> table
Type Function
Description Returns a table containing notifications which are scheduled but have not yet been delivered.
  • None
  • a table containing the notification userdata objects for all Hammerspoon notifications currently scheduled to be delivered.
  • Once a notification has been delivered, it is moved to hs.notify.deliveredNotifications or removed, depending upon the users action.
  • You can use this function along with hs.notify:getFunctionTag to re=register necessary callback functions with hs.notify.register when Hammerspoon is restarted.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 259

# unregister

Signature hs.notify.unregister(id|tag)
Type Function
Description Unregisters a function callback so that it is no longer available as a callback when notifications corresponding to the specified entry are interacted with.
  • id - the numerical id provided by hs.notify.register
  • tag - a string tag representing the callback function to be removed
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/notify.lua line 212

# unregisterall

Signature hs.notify.unregisterall()
Type Function
Description Unregisters all functions registered as callbacks.
  • None
  • None
  • This does not remove the notifications from the User Notification Center, it just removes their callback function for when the user interacts with them. To remove all notifications, see hs.notify.withdrawAll and hs.notify.withdrawAllScheduled
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/notify.lua line 239

# withdrawAll

Signature hs.notify.withdrawAll()
Type Function
Description Withdraw all delivered notifications from Hammerspoon
  • None
  • None
  • This will withdraw all notifications for Hammerspoon, including those not sent by this module or that linger from a previous load of Hammerspoon.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 177

# withdrawAllScheduled

Signature hs.notify.withdrawAllScheduled()
Type Function
Description Withdraw all scheduled notifications from Hammerspoon
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 196

# Constructors

# new

| | | | --------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Signature | hs.notify.new([fn,][attributes]) -> notification | | Type | Constructor | | Description | Creates a new notification object | | Parameters |

  • fn - An optional function or function-tag, which will be called when the user interacts with notifications. The notification object will be passed as an argument to the function. If you leave this parameter out or specify nil, then no callback will be attached to the notification.
  • attributes - An optional table for applying attributes to the notification. Possible keys are: alwaysPresent - see hs.notify:alwaysPresent autoWithdraw - see hs.notify:autoWithdraw contentImage - see hs.notify:contentImage informativeText - see hs.notify:informativeText soundName - see hs.notify:soundName subTitle - see hs.notify:subTitle title - see hs.notify:title setIdImage - see hs.notify:setIdImage -- note the border will automatically be set to false if assigned as an attribute in this table. The following can also be set, but will only have an apparent effect on the notification when the user has set Hammerspoon's notification style to "Alert" in the Notification Center panel of System Preferences: actionButtonTitle - see hs.notify:actionButtonTitle hasActionButton - see hs.notify:hasActionButton otherButtonTitle - see hs.notify:otherButtonTitle additionalActions - see hs.notify:additionalActions hasReplyButton - see hs.notify:hasReplyButton responsePlaceholder - see hs.notify:responsePlaceholder alwaysShowAdditionalActions - see hs.notify:alwaysShowAdditionalActions withdrawAfter - see hs.notify:withdrawAfter
| | Returns |
  • A notification object
| | Notes |
  • A function-tag is a string key which corresponds to a function stored in the hs.notify.registry table with the hs.notify.register() function.
  • If a notification does not have a title attribute set, OS X will not display it, so by default it will be set to "Notification". You can use the title key in the attributes table, or call hs.notify:title() before displaying the notification to change this.
| | Examples | None | | Source | extensions/notify/notify.lua line 60 |

# show

Signature hs.notify.show(title, subTitle, information[, tag]) -> notification
Type Constructor
Description Shorthand constructor to create and show simple notifications
  • title - the title for the notification
  • subTitle - the subtitle, or second line, of the notification
  • information - the main textual body of the notification
  • tag - a function tag corresponding to a function registered with hs.notify.register
  • a notification object
  • All three textual parameters are required, though they can be empty strings
  • This function is really a shorthand for hs.notify.new(...):send()
  • Notifications created using this function will inherit the default withdrawAfter value, which is 5 seconds. To produce persistent notifications you should use hs.notify.new() with a withdrawAfter attribute of 0.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/notify.lua line 140

# Methods

# actionButtonTitle

Signature hs.notify:actionButtonTitle([buttonTitle]) -> notificationObject | current-setting
Type Method
Description Get or set the label of a notification's action button
  • buttonTitle - An optional string containing the title for the notification's action button. If no parameter is provided, then the current setting is returned.
  • The notification object, if buttonTitle is present; otherwise the current setting.
  • The affects of this method only apply if the user has set Hammerspoon notifications to Alert in the Notification Center pane of System Preferences
  • This value is ignored if hs.notify:hasReplyButton is true.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 555

# activationType

Signature hs.notify:activationType() -> number
Type Method
Description Returns how the notification was activated by the user.
  • None
  • the integer value corresponding to how the notification was activated by the user. See the table hs.notify.activationTypes[] for more information.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 1255

# actualDeliveryDate

Signature hs.notify:actualDeliveryDate() -> number
Type Method
Description Returns the date and time when a notification was delivered
  • None
  • A number containing the delivery date/time of the notification, in seconds since the epoch (i.e. 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000)
  • You can turn epoch times into a human readable string or a table of date elements with the os.date() function.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 1273

# additionalActions

Signature hs.notify:additionalActions([actionsTable]) -> notificationObject | table
Type Method
Description Get or set additional actions which will be displayed for an alert type notification when the user clicks and holds down the action button of the alert.
  • an optional table containing an array of strings specifying the additional options to list for the user to select from the notification.
  • The notification object, if an argument is present; otherwise the current value
  • The additional items will be listed in a pop-up menu when the user clicks and holds down the mouse button in the action button of the alert.
  • If the user selects one of the additional actions, hs.notify:activationType will equal hs.notify.activationTypes.additionalActionClicked
  • See also hs.notify:additionalActivationAction
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 1104

# additionalActivationAction

Signature hs.notify:additionalActivationAction() -> string | nil
Type Method
Description Return the additional action that the user selected from an alert type notification that has additional actions available.
  • None
  • If the notification has additional actions assigned with hs.notify:additionalActions and the user selects one, returns a string containing the selected action; otherwise returns nil.
  • If the user selects one of the additional actions, hs.notify:activationType will equal hs.notify.activationTypes.additionalActionClicked
  • See also hs.notify:additionalActions
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 1165

# alwaysPresent

Signature hs.notify:alwaysPresent([alwaysPresent]) -> notificationObject | current-setting
Type Method
Description Get or set whether a notification should be presented even if this overrides Notification Center's decision process.
  • alwaysPresent - An optional boolean parameter indicating whether the notification should override Notification Center's decision about whether to present the notification or not. Defaults to true. If no parameter is provided, then the current setting is returned.
  • The notification object, if alwaysPresent is provided; otherwise the current setting.
  • This does not affect the return value of hs.notify:presented() -- that will still reflect the decision of the Notification Center
  • Examples of why the users Notification Center would choose not to display a notification would be if Hammerspoon is the currently focussed application, being attached to a projector, or the user having set Do Not Disturb.
  • if the notification was not created by this module, this method will return nil
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 673

# alwaysShowAdditionalActions

Signature hs.notify:alwaysShowAdditionalActions([state]) -> notificationObject | boolean
Type Method
Description Get or set whether an alert notification should always show an alternate action menu.
  • state - An optional boolean, default false, indicating whether the notification should always show an alternate action menu.
  • The notification object, if an argument is present; otherwise the current value.
  • This method has no effect unless the user has set Hammerspoon notifications to Alert in the Notification Center pane of System Preferences.
  • hs.notify:additionalActions must also be used for this method to have any effect.
  • WARNING: This method uses a private API. It could break at any time. Please file an issue if it does.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 950

# autoWithdraw

Signature hs.notify:autoWithdraw([shouldWithdraw]) -> notificationObject | current-setting
Type Method
Description Get or set whether a notification should automatically withdraw once activated
  • shouldWithdraw - An optional boolean indicating whether the notification should automatically withdraw. Defaults to true. If no parameter is provided, then the current setting is returned.
  • The notification object, if shouldWithdraw is present; otherwise the current setting.
  • This method has no effect if the user has set Hammerspoon notifications to Alert in the Notification Center pane of System Preferences: clicking on either the action or other button will clear the notification automatically.
  • If a notification which was created before your last reload (or restart) of Hammerspoon and is clicked upon before hs.notify has been loaded into memory, this setting will not be honored because the initial application delegate is not aware of this option and is set to automatically withdraw all notifications which are acted upon.
  • if the notification was not created by this module, this method will return nil
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 767

# contentImage

Signature hs.notify:contentImage([image]) -> notificationObject | current-setting
Type Method
Description Get or set a notification's content image.
  • image - An optional hs.image parameter containing the image to display. Defaults to nil. If no parameter is provided, then the current setting is returned.
  • The notification object, if image is provided; otherwise the current setting.
  • See hs.image for details on how to specify or define an image
  • This method is only supported in OS X 10.9 or greater. A warning will be displayed in the console and the method will be treated as a no-op if used on an unsupported system.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/notify.lua line 273

# delivered

Signature hs.notify:delivered() -> bool
Type Method
Description Returns whether the notification has been delivered to the Notification Center
  • None
  • A boolean indicating whether the notification has been delivered to the users Notification Center
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 1213

# getFunctionTag

Signature hs.notify:getFunctionTag() -> functiontag
Type Method
Description Return the name of the function tag the notification will call when activated.
  • None
  • The function tag for this notification as a string.
  • This tag should correspond to a function in hs.notify.registry and can be used to either add a replacement with hs.notify.register(...) or remove it with hs.notify.unregister(...)
  • if the notification was not created by this module, this method will return nil
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 737

# hasActionButton

Signature hs.notify:hasActionButton([hasButton]) -> notificationObject | current-setting
Type Method
Description Get or set the presence of an action button in a notification
  • hasButton - An optional boolean indicating whether an action button should be present. If no parameter is provided, then the current setting is returned.
  • The notification object, if hasButton is present; otherwise the current setting.
  • The affects of this method only apply if the user has set Hammerspoon notifications to Alert in the Notification Center pane of System Preferences
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 637

# hasReplyButton

Signature hs.notify:hasReplyButton([state]) -> notificationObject | boolean
Type Method
Description Get or set whether an alert notification has a "Reply" button for additional user input.
  • state - An optional boolean, default false, indicating whether the notification should include a reply button for additional user input.
  • The notification object, if an argument is present; otherwise the current value
  • This method has no effect unless the user has set Hammerspoon notifications to Alert in the Notification Center pane of System Preferences.
  • hs.notify:hasActionButton must also be true or the "Reply" button will not be displayed.
  • If this is set to true, the action button will be "Reply" even if you have set another one with hs.notify:actionButtonTitle.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 912

# informativeText

Signature hs.notify:informativeText([informativeText]) -> notificationObject | current-setting
Type Method
Description Get or set the informative text of a notification
  • informativeText - An optional string containing the informative text to be set on the notification object. This can be an empty string. If nil is passed, any existing informative text will be removed. If no parameter is provided, then the current setting is returned.
  • The notification object, if informativeText is present; otherwise the current setting.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 518

# otherButtonTitle

Signature hs.notify:otherButtonTitle([buttonTitle]) -> notificationObject | current-setting
Type Method
Description Get or set the label of a notification's other button
  • buttonTitle - An optional string containing the title for the notification's other button. If no parameter is provided, then the current setting is returned.
  • The notification object, if buttonTitle is present; otherwise the current setting.
  • The affects of this method only apply if the user has set Hammerspoon notifications to Alert in the Notification Center pane of System Preferences
  • Due to OSX limitations, it is NOT possible to get a callback for this button.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 596

# presented

Signature hs.notify:presented() -> bool
Type Method
Description Returns whether the users Notification Center decided to display the notification
  • None
  • A boolean indicating whether the users Notification Center decided to display the notification
  • Examples of why the users Notification Center would choose not to display a notification would be if Hammerspoon is the currently focussed application, being attached to a projector, or the user having set Do Not Disturb.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 1192

# response

Signature hs.notify:response() -> string | nil
Type Method
Description Get the users input from an alert type notification with a reply button.
  • None
  • If the notification has a reply button and the user clicks on it, returns a string containing the user input (may be an empty string); otherwise returns nil.
  • hs.notify:activationType will equal hs.notify.activationTypes.replied if the user clicked on the Reply button and then clicks on Send.
  • See also hs.notify:hasReplyButton
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 1076

# responsePlaceholder

Signature hs.notify:responsePlaceholder([string]) -> notificationObject | string
Type Method
Description Set a placeholder string for alert type notifications with a reply button.
  • string - an optional string specifying placeholder text to display in the reply box before the user has types anything in an alert type notification with a reply button.
  • The notification object, if an argument is present; otherwise the current value
  • In macOS 10.13, this text appears so light that it is almost unreadable; so far no workaround has been found.
  • See also hs.notify:hasReplyButton
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 1035

# schedule

Signature hs.notify:schedule(date) -> notificationObject
Type Method
Description Schedules a notification for delivery in the future.
  • date - the date the notification should be delivered to the users Notification Center specified as the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00Z or as a string in rfc3339 format: "YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:MM:SS[Z]".
  • The notification object
  • See also hs.notify:send()
  • hs.settings.dateFormat specifies a lua format string which can be used with os.date() to properly present the date and time as a string for use with this method.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 346

# send

Signature hs.notify:send() -> notificationObject
Type Method
Description Delivers the notification immediately to the users Notification Center.
  • None
  • The notification object
  • See also hs.notify:schedule()
  • If a notification has been modified, then this will resend it.
  • You can invoke this multiple times if you wish to repeat the same notification.
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 312

# setIdImage

Signature hs.notify:setIdImage(image[, withBorder]) -> notificationObject
Type Method
Description Set a notification's identification image (replace the Hammerspoon icon with a custom image)
  • image - An hs.image object, a string containing an image path, or a string defining an ASCIImage
  • withBorder - An optional boolean to give the notification image a border. Defaults to false
  • The notification object
  • See hs.image for details on how to specify or define an image
  • WARNING: This method uses a private API. It could break at any time. Please file an issue if it does
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/notify.lua line 309

# soundName

Signature hs.notify:soundName([soundName]) -> notificationObject | current-setting
Type Method
Description Get or set the sound for a notification
  • soundName - An optional string containing the name of a sound to play with the notification. If nil, no sound will be played. Defaults to nil. If no parameter is provided, then the current setting is returned.
  • The notification object, if soundName is present; otherwise the current setting.
  • Sounds will first be matched against the names of system sounds. If no matches can be found, they will then be searched for in the following paths, in order:
  • ~/Library/Sounds
  • /Library/Sounds
  • /Network/Sounds
  • /System/Library/Sounds
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 811

# subTitle

Signature hs.notify:subTitle([subtitleText]) -> notificationObject | current-setting
Type Method
Description Get or set the subtitle of a notification
  • subtitleText - An optional string containing the subtitle to be set on the notification object. This can be an empty string. If nil is passed, any existing subtitle will be removed. If no parameter is provided, then the current setting is returned.
  • The notification object, if subtitleText is present; otherwise the current setting.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 481

# title

Signature hs.notify:title([titleText]) -> notificationObject | current-setting
Type Method
Description Get or set the title of a notification
  • titleText - An optional string containing the title to be set on the notification object. The default value is "Notification". If nil is passed, then the title is set to the empty string. If no parameter is provided, then the current setting is returned.
  • The notification object, if titleText is present; otherwise the current setting.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 444

# withdraw

Signature hs.notify:withdraw() -> notificationObject
Type Method
Description Withdraws a delivered notification from the Notification Center.
  • None
  • The notification object
  • This method allows you to unlock a dispatched notification so that it can be modified and resent.
  • if the notification was not created by this module, it will still be withdrawn if possible
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 406

# withdrawAfter

Signature hs.notify:withdrawAfter([seconds]) -> notificationObject | number
Type Method
Description Get or set the number of seconds after which to automatically withdraw a notification
  • seconds - An optional number, default 5, of seconds after which to withdraw a notification. A value of 0 will not withdraw a notification automatically
  • The notification object, if an argument is present; otherwise the current value.
  • While this setting applies to both Banner and Alert styles of notifications, it is functionally meaningless for Banner styles
  • A value of 0 will disable auto-withdrawal
  • if the notification was not created by this module, this method will return nil
Examples None
Source extensions/notify/libnotify.m line 992