# hs.doc

Create documentation objects for interactive help within Hammerspoon

The documentation object created is a table with tostring metamethods allowing access to a specific functions documentation by appending the path to the method or function to the object created.

From the Hammerspoon console:

  doc = require("hs.doc")

Results in:

  Manipulate running applications


  hs.application:activate([allWindows]) -> bool
  hs.application:allWindows() -> window[]
  hs.application:visibleWindows() -> win[]

By default, the internal core documentation and portions of the Lua 5.3 manual, located at http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html, are already registered for inclusion within this documentation object, but you can register additional documentation from 3rd party modules with hs.registerJSONFile(...).

# Submodules

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • help
  • locateJSONFile
  • preloadSpoonDocs
  • registeredFiles
  • registerJSONFile
  • unregisterJSONFile

# API Documentation

# Functions

# help

Signature hs.doc.help(identifier)
Type Function
Description Prints the documentation for some part of Hammerspoon's API and Lua 5.3. This function has also been aliased as hs.help and help as a shorthand for use within the Hammerspoon console.
  • identifier - A string containing the signature of some part of Hammerspoon's API (e.g. "hs.reload")
  • None
  • This function is mainly for runtime API help while using Hammerspoon's Console
  • Documentation files registered with hs.doc.registerJSONFile or hs.doc.preloadSpoonDocs that have not yet been actually loaded will be loaded when this command is invoked in any of the forms described below.
  • You can also access the results of this function by the following methods from the console:
  • help("prefix.path") -- quotes are required, e.g. help("hs.reload")
  • help.prefix.path -- no quotes are required, e.g. help.hs.reload
  • prefix can be one of the following:
  • hs - provides documentation for Hammerspoon's builtin commands and modules
  • spoon - provides documentation for the Spoons installed on your system
  • lua - provides documentation for the version of lua Hammerspoon is using, currently 5.3
  • lua._man - provides the table of contents for the Lua 5.3 manual. You can pull up a specific section of the lua manual by including the chapter (and subsection) like this: lua._man._3_4_8.
  • lua._C - provides documentation specifically about the Lua C API for use when developing modules which require external libraries.
  • path is one or more components, separated by a period specifying the module, submodule, function, or method you wish to view documentation for.
Examples None
Source extensions/doc/doc.lua line 139

# locateJSONFile

Signature hs.doc.locateJSONFile(module) -> path | false, message
Type Function
Description Locates the JSON file corresponding to the specified third-party module or Spoon by searching package.path and package.cpath.
  • module - the name of the module to locate a JSON file for
  • the path to the JSON file, or false, error if unable to locate a corresponding JSON file.
  • The JSON should be named 'docs.json' and located in the same directory as the lua or so file which is used when the module is loaded via require.
  • The documentation for core modules is stored in the JSON file specified by the hs.docstrings_json_file variable; this function is intended for use in locating the documentation file for third party modules and Spoons.
Examples None
Source extensions/doc/doc.lua line 171

# preloadSpoonDocs

Signature hs.doc.preloadSpoonDocs()
Type Function
Description Locates all installed Spoon documentation files and marks them for loading the next time the hs.doc.help function is invoked.
  • None
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/doc/doc.lua line 216

# registeredFiles

Signature hs.doc.registeredFiles() -> table
Type Function
Description Returns the list of registered JSON files.
  • None
  • a table containing the list of registered JSON files
  • The table returned by this function has a metatable including a __tostring method which allows you to see the list of registered files by simply typing hs.doc.registeredFiles() in the Hammerspoon Console.
  • By default, the internal core documentation and portions of the Lua 5.3 manual, located at http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html, are already registered for inclusion within this documentation object.
  • You can unregister these defaults if you wish to start with a clean slate with the following commands:
  • hs.doc.unregisterJSONFile(hs.docstrings_json_file) -- to unregister the Hammerspoon API docs
  • hs.doc.unregisterJSONFile((hs.docstrings_json_file:gsub("/docs.json$","/lua.json"))) -- to unregister the Lua 5.3 Documentation.
Examples None
Source extensions/doc/doc.lua line 109

# registerJSONFile

Signature hs.doc.registerJSONFile(jsonfile, [isSpoon]) -> status[, message]
Type Function
Description Register a JSON file for inclusion when Hammerspoon generates internal documentation.
  • jsonfile - A string containing the location of a JSON file
  • isSpoon - an optional boolean, default false, specifying that the documentation should be added to the spoons sub heading in the documentation hierarchy.
  • status - Boolean flag indicating if the file was registered or not. If the file was not registered, then a message indicating the error is also returned.
  • this function just registers the documentation file; it won't actually be loaded and parsed until hs.doc.help is invoked.
Examples None
Source extensions/doc/libdoc.m line 264

# unregisterJSONFile

Signature hs.doc.unregisterJSONFile(jsonfile) -> status[, message]
Type Function
Description Remove a JSON file from the list of registered files.
  • jsonfile - A string containing the location of a JSON file
  • status - Boolean flag indicating if the file was unregistered or not. If the file was not unregistered, then a message indicating the error is also returned.
  • This function requires the rebuilding of the entire documentation tree for all remaining registered files, so the next time help is queried with hs.doc.help, there may be a slight one-time delay.
Examples None
Source extensions/doc/libdoc.m line 303