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type - specifies the type of canvas element the table represents. This attribute has no default and must be specified for each element in the canvas array. Valid type strings are: -
arc - an arc inscribed on a circle, defined by radius , center , startAngle , and endAngle . -
canvas - an independent canvas object, displayed as an element within the specified frame. Defined by canvas and frame . -
circle - a circle, defined by radius and center . -
ellipticalArc - an arc inscribed on an oval, defined by frame , startAngle , and endAngle . -
image - an image as defined by one of the hs.image constructors. -
oval - an oval, defined by frame -
points - a list of points defined in coordinates . -
rectangle - a rectangle, optionally with rounded corners, defined by frame . -
resetClip - a special type -- indicates that the current clipping shape should be reset to the canvas default (the full canvas area). See Clipping Example . All other attributes, except action are ignored. -
segments - a list of line segments or bezier curves with control points, defined in coordinates . -
text - a string or hs.styledtext object, defined by text and frame . - * The following is a list of all valid attributes. Not all attributes apply to every type, but you can set them for any type.
action - Default strokeAndFill . A string specifying the action to take for the element in the array. The following actions are recognized: -
clip - append the shape to the current clipping region for the canvas. Ignored for canvas , image , and text types. -
build - do not render the element -- its shape is preserved and the next element in the canvas array is appended to it. This can be used to create complex shapes or clipping regions. The stroke and fill settings for a complex object created in this manner will be those of the final object of the group. Ignored for canvas , image , and text types. -
fill - fill the canvas element, if it is a shape, or display it normally if it is a canvas , image or text . Ignored for resetClip . -
skip - ignore this element or its effects. Can be used to temporarily "remove" an object from the canvas. -
stroke - stroke (outline) the canvas element, if it is a shape, or display it normally if it is a canvas , image or text . Ignored for resetClip . -
strokeAndFill - stroke and fill the canvas element, if it is a shape, or display it normally if it is a canvas , image or text . Ignored for resetClip . -
absolutePosition - Default true . If false, numeric location and size attributes (frame , center , radius , and coordinates ) will be automatically adjusted when the canvas is resized with hs.canvas:size or hs.canvas:frame so that the element remains in the same relative position in the canvas. -
absoluteSize - Default true . If false, numeric location and size attributes (frame , center , radius , and coordinates ) will be automatically adjusted when the canvas is resized with hs.canvas:size or hs.canvas:frame so that the element maintains the same relative size in the canvas. -
antialias - Default true . Indicates whether or not antialiasing should be enabled for the element. -
arcRadii - Default true . Used by the arc and ellipticalArc types to specify whether or not line segments from the element's center to the start and end angles should be included in the element's visible portion. This affects whether the object's stroke is a pie-shape or an arc with a chord from the start angle to the end angle. -
arcClockwise - Default true . Used by the arc and ellipticalArc types to specify whether the arc should be drawn from the start angle to the end angle in a clockwise (true) direction or in a counter-clockwise (false) direction. -
canvas - Defaults to nil. A separate canvas object which is to be displayed as an element in this canvas. The object must not currently belong to a visible window. Assign nil to this property to release a previously assigned object for use elsewhere as an element or on its own. -
canvasAlpha - Default 1.0 . Specifies the alpha value to apply to the independent canvas element. -
compositeRule - A string, default "sourceOver", specifying how this element should be combined with earlier elements of the canvas. See hs.canvas.compositeTypes for a list of valid strings and their descriptions. -
center - Default { x = "50%", y = "50%" } . Used by the circle and arc types to specify the center of the canvas element. The x and y fields can be specified as numbers or as a string. When specified as a string, the value is treated as a percentage of the canvas size. See the section on percentages for more information. -
clipToPath - Default false . Specifies whether the clipping regions should be temporarily limited to the element's shape while rendering this element or not. This can be used to produce crisper edges, as seen with hs.drawing but reduces stroke width granularity for widths less than 1.0 and causes occasional "missing" lines with the segments element type. Ignored for the canvas , image , point , and text types. -
closed - Default false . Used by the segments type to specify whether or not the shape defined by the lines and curves defined should be closed (true) or open (false). When an object is closed, an implicit line is stroked from the final point back to the initial point of the coordinates listed. -
coordinates - An array containing coordinates used by the segments and points types to define the lines and curves or points that make up the canvas element. The following keys are recognized and may be specified as numbers or strings (see the section on percentages). -
x - required for segments and points , specifying the x coordinate of a point. -
y - required for segments and points , specifying the y coordinate of a point. -
c1x - optional for segments, specifying the x coordinate of the first control point used to draw a bezier curve between this point and the previous point. Ignored for pointsand if present in the first coordinate in the coordinatesarray.</li><li> c1y- optional for segments, specifying the y coordinate of the first control point used to draw a bezier curve between this point and the previous point. Ignored for points and if present in the first coordinate in the coordinates array. -
c2x - optional for segments, specifying the x coordinate of the second control point used to draw a bezier curve between this point and the previous point. Ignored for pointsand if present in the first coordinate in the coordinatesarray.</li><li> c2y- optional for segments, specifying the y coordinate of the second control point used to draw a bezier curve between this point and the previous point. Ignored for points and if present in the first coordinate in the coordinates array. -
endAngle - Default 360.0 . Used by the arc and ellipticalArc to specify the ending angle position for the inscribed arc. -
fillColor - Default { red = 1.0 } . Specifies the color used to fill the canvas element when the action is set to fill or strokeAndFill and fillGradient is equal to none . Ignored for the canvas , image , points , and text types. -
fillGradient - Default "none". A string specifying whether a fill gradient should be used instead of the fill color when the action is fill or strokeAndFill . May be "none", "linear", or "radial". -
fillGradientAngle - Default 0.0. Specifies the direction of a linear gradient when fillGradient is linear. -
fillGradientCenter - Default { x = 0.0, y = 0.0 } . Specifies the relative center point within the elements bounds of a radial gradient when fillGradient is radial . The x and y fields must both be between -1.0 and 1.0 inclusive. -
fillGradientColors - Default { { white = 0.0 }, { white = 1.0 } } . Specifies the colors to use for the gradient when fillGradient is not none . You must specify at least two colors, each of which must be convertible into the RGB color space (i.e. they cannot be an image being used as a color pattern). The gradient will blend from the first to the next, and so on until the last color. If more than two colors are specified, the "color stops" will be placed at evenly spaced intervals within the element. -
flatness - Default 0.6 . A number which specifies the accuracy (or smoothness) with which curves are rendered. It is also the maximum error tolerance (measured in pixels) for rendering curves, where smaller numbers give smoother curves at the expense of more computation. -
flattenPath - Default false . Specifies whether curved line segments should be converted into straight line approximations. The granularity of the approximations is controlled by the path's current flatness value. -
frame - Default { x = "0%", y = "0%", h = "100%", w = "100%" } . Used by the rectangle , oval , ellipticalArc , text , canvas and image types to specify the element's position and size. When the key value for x , y , h , or w are specified as a string, the value is treated as a percentage of the canvas size. See the section on percentages for more information. -
id - An optional string or number which is included in mouse callbacks to identify the element which was the target of the mouse event. If this is not specified for an element, it's index position is used instead. -
image - Defaults to a blank image. Used by the image type to specify an hs.image object to display as an image. -
imageAlpha - Defaults to 1.0 . A number between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying the alpha value to be applied to the image specified by image . Note that if an image is a template image, then this attribute will internally default to 0.5 unless explicitly set for the element. -
imageAlignment - Default "center". A string specifying the alignment of the image within the canvas element's frame. Valid values for this attribute are "center", "bottom", "topLeft", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight", "left", "right", "top", and "topRight". -
imageAnimationFrame - Default 0 . An integer specifying the image frame to display when the image is from an animated GIF. This attribute is ignored for other image types. May be specified as a negative integer indicating that the image frame should be calculated from the last frame and calculated backwards (i.e. specifying -1 selects the last frame for the GIF.) -
imageAnimates - Default false . A boolean specifying whether or not an animated GIF should be animated or if only a single frame should be shown. Ignored for other image types. -
imageScaling - Default "scaleProportionally". A string specifying how the image should be scaled within the canvas element's frame. Valid values for this attribute are: -
scaleToFit - shrink the image, preserving the aspect ratio, to fit the drawing frame only if the image is larger than the drawing frame. -
shrinkToFit - shrink or expand the image to fully fill the drawing frame. This does not preserve the aspect ratio. -
none - perform no scaling or resizing of the image. -
scaleProportionally - shrink or expand the image to fully fill the drawing frame, preserving the aspect ration. -
miterLimit - Default 10.0 . The limit at which miter joins are converted to bevel join when strokeJoinStyle is miter . The miter limit helps you avoid spikes at the junction of two line segments. When the ratio of the miter length—the diagonal length of the miter join—to the line thickness exceeds the miter limit, the joint is converted to a bevel join. Ignored for the canvas , text , and image types. -
padding - Default 0.0 . When an element specifies position information by percentage (i.e. as a string), the actual frame used for calculating position values is inset from the canvas frame on all sides by this amount. If you are using shadows with your elements, the shadow position is not included in the element's size and position specification; this attribute can be used to provide extra space for the shadow to be fully rendered within the canvas. -
radius - Default "50%". Used by the arc and circle types to specify the radius of the circle for the element. May be specified as a string or a number. When specified as a string, the value is treated as a percentage of the canvas size. See the section on percentages for more information. -
reversePath - Default false . Specifies drawing direction for the canvas element. By default, canvas elements are drawn from the point nearest the origin (top left corner) in a clockwise direction. Setting this to true causes the element to be drawn in a counter-clockwise direction. This will mostly affect fill and stroke dash patterns, but can also be used with clipping regions to create cut-outs. Ignored for canvas , image , and text types. -
roundedRectRadii - Default { xRadius = 0.0, yRadius = 0.0 } . -
shadow - Default { blurRadius = 5.0, color = { alpha = 1/3 }, offset = { h = -5.0, w = 5.0 } } . Specifies the shadow blurring, color, and offset to be added to an element which has withShadow set to true. -
startAngle - Default 0.0 . Used by the arc and ellipticalArc to specify the starting angle position for the inscribed arc. -
strokeCapStyle - Default "butt". A string which specifies the shape of the endpoints of an open path when stroked. Primarily noticeable for lines rendered with the segments type. Valid values for this attribute are "butt", "round", and "square". -
strokeColor - Default { white = 0 } . Specifies the stroke (outline) color for a canvas element when the action is set to stroke or strokeAndFill . Ignored for the canvas , text , and image types. -
strokeDashPattern - Default {} . Specifies an array of numbers specifying a dash pattern for stroked lines when an element's action attribute is set to stroke or strokeAndFill . The numbers in the array alternate with the first element specifying a dash length in points, the second specifying a gap length in points, the third a dash length, etc. The array repeats to fully stroke the element. Ignored for the canvas , image , and text types. -
strokeDashPhase - Default 0.0 . Specifies an offset, in points, where the dash pattern specified by strokeDashPattern should start. Ignored for the canvas , image , and text types. -
strokeJoinStyle - Default "miter". A string which specifies the shape of the joints between connected segments of a stroked path. Valid values for this attribute are "miter", "round", and "bevel". Ignored for element types of canvas , image , and text . -
strokeWidth - Default 1.0 . Specifies the width of stroked lines when an element's action is set to stroke or strokeAndFill . Ignored for the canvas , image , and text element types. -
text - Default "" . Specifies the text to display for a text element. This may be specified as a string, or as an hs.styledtext object. -
textAlignment - Default natural . A string specifying the alignment of the text within a canvas element of type text . This field is ignored if the text is specified as an hs.styledtext object. Valid values for this attributes are: -
left - the text is visually left aligned. -
right - the text is visually right aligned. -
center - the text is visually center aligned. -
justified - the text is justified -
natural - the natural alignment of the text’s script -
textColor - Default { white = 1.0 } . Specifies the color to use when displaying the text element type, if the text is specified as a string. This field is ignored if the text is specified as an hs.styledtext object. -
textFont - Defaults to the default system font. A string specifying the name of the font to use when displaying the text element type, if the text is specified as a string. This field is ignored if the text is specified as an hs.styledtext object. -
textLineBreak - Default wordWrap . A string specifying how to wrap text which exceeds the canvas element's frame for an element of type text . This field is ignored if the text is specified as an hs.styledtext object. Valid values for this attribute are: -
wordWrap - wrap at word boundaries, unless the word itself doesn’t fit on a single line -
charWrap - wrap before the first character that doesn’t fit -
clip - do not draw past the edge of the drawing object frame -
truncateHead - the line is displayed so that the end fits in the frame and the missing text at the beginning of the line is indicated by an ellipsis -
truncateTail - the line is displayed so that the beginning fits in the frame and the missing text at the end of the line is indicated by an ellipsis -
truncateMiddle - the line is displayed so that the beginning and end fit in the frame and the missing text in the middle is indicated by an ellipsis -
textSize - Default 27.0 . Specifies the font size to use when displaying the text element type, if the text is specified as a string. This field is ignored if the text is specified as an hs.styledtext object. -
trackMouseByBounds - Default false . If true, mouse events are based on the element's bounds (smallest rectangle which completely contains the element); otherwise, mouse events are based on the visible portion of the canvas element. -
trackMouseEnterExit - Default false . Generates a callback when the mouse enters or exits the canvas element. For canvas and text types, the frame of the element defines the boundaries of the tracking area. -
trackMouseDown - Default false . Generates a callback when mouse button is clicked down while the cursor is within the canvas element. For canvas and text types, the frame of the element defines the boundaries of the tracking area. -
trackMouseUp - Default false . Generates a callback when mouse button is released while the cursor is within the canvas element. For canvas and text types, the frame of the element defines the boundaries of the tracking area. -
trackMouseMove - Default false . Generates a callback when the mouse cursor moves within the canvas element. For canvas and text types, the frame of the element defines the boundaries of the tracking area. -
transformation - Default { m11 = 1.0, m12 = 0.0, m21 = 0.0, m22 = 1.0, tX = 0.0, tY = 0.0 } . Specifies a matrix transformation to apply to the element before displaying it. Transformations may include rotation, translation, scaling, skewing, etc. -
windingRule - Default "nonZero". A string specifying the winding rule in effect for the canvas element. May be "nonZero" or "evenOdd". The winding rule determines which portions of an element to fill. This setting will only have a visible effect on compound elements (built with the build action) or elements of type segments when the object is made from lines which cross. -
withShadow - Default false . Specifies whether a shadow effect should be applied to the canvas element. Ignored for the text type.