# hs.blackmagic

Support for the Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor Keyboard and Editor Keyboard.

Example Usage:

blackmagic = nil

local callback = function(obj, buttonID, pressed, mode, value)
    if buttonID == "JOG WHEEL" then
        print("Jog Wheel Mode " .. mode .. ", value: " .. value)
        -- If Jog Wheel button pressed, change jog wheel mode
        -- and activate the LED for that job wheel mode:
        if buttonID == "SHTL" or buttonID == "JOG" or buttonID == "SCRL" then
            local jogMode
            if buttonID == "SHTL" then jogMode = "RELATIVE" end
            if buttonID == "JOG" then jogMode = "ABSOLUTE" end
            if buttonID == "SCRL" then jogMode = "ABSOLUTE ZERO" end

                ["SHTL"] = buttonID == "SHTL",
                ["JOG"] = buttonID == "JOG",
                ["SCRL"] = buttonID == "SCRL"

        -- If a normal button is pressed:
        if pressed then
            print(buttonID .. " pressed")
            blackmagic:led({[buttonID] = true})
            print(buttonID .. " released")
            hs.timer.doAfter(5, function()
                blackmagic:led({[buttonID] = false})

local discoveryCallback = function(connected, device)
    if connected then
        print(string.format("Device Connected: %s - %s", device:deviceType(), device:serialNumber()))
        blackmagic = device
        blackmagic:led({["SHTL"] = true}) -- Defaults to SHTL jog mode
        print(string.format("Device Disconnected: %s - %s", device:deviceType(), device:serialNumber()))


This extension was thrown together by Chris Hocking for CommandPost.

This extension would not be possible without Sylvain Munaut's genius work figuring out the authentication protocol.

This extension is based off Chris Jones' hs.streamdeck extension.

Special thanks to David Peterson, Morten Bentsen, Håvard Njåstad and Sondre Tungesvik Njåstad.

This extension uses code based off Sylvain Munaut's Python Scripts under the following license:

Copyright 2021 Sylvain Munaut tnt@246tNt.com

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

# API Overview

Constants - Useful values which cannot be changed

  • buttonNames
  • deviceTypes
  • jogModeNames
  • ledNames

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • discoveryCallback
  • getDevice
  • init
  • numDevices

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • battery
  • callback
  • deviceType
  • jogMode
  • led
  • serialNumber

# API Documentation

# Constants

# buttonNames

Signature hs.blackmagic.buttonNames
Type Constant
Description A table of the button names used.
Notes None
Source extensions/blackmagic/blackmagic.lua line 93

# deviceTypes

Signature hs.blackmagic.deviceTypes
Type Constant
Description A table of the supported device types.
Notes None
Source extensions/blackmagic/blackmagic.lua line 85

# jogModeNames

Signature hs.blackmagic.jogModeNames
Type Constant
Description A table of the jog mode names used by each device type.
Notes None
Source extensions/blackmagic/blackmagic.lua line 223

# ledNames

Signature hs.blackmagic.ledNames
Type Constant
Description A table of the LED names used by each device type.
Notes None
Source extensions/blackmagic/blackmagic.lua line 189

# Functions

# discoveryCallback

| | | | --------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Signature | hs.blackmagic.discoveryCallback(fn) -> none | | Type | Function | | Description | Sets/clears a callback for reacting to device discovery events. | | Parameters |

  • fn - A function that will be called when a Blackmagic device is connected or disconnected. It should take the following arguments: A boolean, true if a device was connected, false if a device was disconnected. An hs.blackmagic object, being the device that was connected/disconnected.
| | Returns |
  • None
| | Notes | None | | Examples | None | | Source | extensions/blackmagic/libblackmagic.m line 53 |

# getDevice

Signature hs.blackmagic.getDevice(num) -> hs.blackmagic``
Type Function
Description Gets an hs.blackmagic object for the specified device.
  • num - A number that should be within the bounds of the number of connected devices.
  • An hs.blackmagic object or nil if something goes wrong.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/blackmagic/libblackmagic.m line 94

# init

| | | | --------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Signature | hs.blackmagic.init(fn) -> none | | Type | Function | | Description | Initialises the Blackmagic driver and sets a discovery callback. | | Parameters |

  • fn - A function that will be called when a Blackmagic device is connected or disconnected. It should take the following arguments: A boolean, true if a device was connected, false if a device was disconnected. An hs.blackmagic object, being the device that was connected/disconnected.
| | Returns |
  • None
| | Notes |
  • This function must be called before any other parts of this module are used.
| | Examples | None | | Source | extensions/blackmagic/libblackmagic.m line 27 |

# numDevices

Signature hs.blackmagic.numDevices() -> number
Type Function
Description Gets the number of Blackmagic devices connected.
  • None
  • A number containing the number of Blackmagic devices attached to the system.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/blackmagic/libblackmagic.m line 77

# Methods

# battery

Signature hs.blackmagic:battery() -> boolean, number
Type Method
Description Gets the battery status for the Blackmagic device.
  • None
  • true if charging, otherwise false
  • The battery level between 0 and 100.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/blackmagic/libblackmagic.m line 183

# callback

Signature hs.blackmagic:callback(fn) -> hs.blackmagic``
Type Method
Description Sets/clears the button and jog wheel callback function for a Blackmagic device.
  • fn - A function to be called when a button is pressed/released, or the jog wheel is rotated on the Blackmagic device.
  • The hs.blackmagic device
  • The callback function should receive three arguments:
  • The hs.blackmagic userdata object
  • A string containing the name of the button or "JOG WHEEL"
  • A boolean indicating whether the button was pressed (true) or released (false). Not relevant if a Jog Wheel action.
  • The Jog Wheel Mode (if not a button press)
  • The Jog Wheel value (if not a button press)
  • You can use hs.blackmagic.buttonNames[deviceType] to get a table of possible values.
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/blackmagic/libblackmagic.m line 125

# deviceType

Signature hs.blackmagic:deviceType() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the device type for the Blackmagic device.
  • None
  • The device type as a string - either "Speed Editor" or "Editor Keyboard".
Notes None
Examples None
Source extensions/blackmagic/libblackmagic.m line 235

# jogMode

Signature hs.blackmagic:jogMode([value]) -> hs.blackmagic, string
Type Method
Description Gets or Sets the Jog Mode for the Blackmagic device.
  • value - an optional string of "RELATIVE", "ABSOLUTE" and "ABSOLUTE ZERO" if setting.
  • The hs.blackmagic device
  • "RELATIVE", "ABSOLUTE" and "ABSOLUTE ZERO" as a string, or nil if something has gone wrong.
  • You can use hs.blackmagic.jogModeNames[deviceType] to get a table of possible values.
  • "RELATIVE" - Returns a “relative” position - a positive number if turning right, and a negative number if turning left. The faster you turn, the higher the number. One step is 360.
  • "ABSOLUTE" - Returns an “absolute” position, based on when the mode was set. It has a range of -4096 (left of 0) to 4096 (right of 0). On the Editor Keyboard it has mechanical hard stops at -4096 and 4096, meaning you only use one half of the wheel.
  • "ABSOLUTE ZERO" - The same as "ABSOLUTE", but has a small dead zone around 0 - which mechincally "snaps" to zero on a Editor Keyboard.
Examples None
Source extensions/blackmagic/libblackmagic.m line 257

# led

Signature hs.blackmagic:led(options) -> hs.blackmagic``
Type Method
Description Sets the status for the LED lights.
  • options - A table where the key is the button ID, and the value is a boolean to turn the LED on or off.
  • The hs.blackmagic device.
  • You can also use hs.blackmagic.ledNames[deviceType] to get a table of possible values.
Examples None
Source extensions/blackmagic/libblackmagic.m line 156

# serialNumber

Signature hs.blackmagic:serialNumber() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the serial number for the Blackmagic device.
  • None
  • The serial number as a string.
  • The serial number is the unique identifier from the USB Device, and not the product serial number that's on the sticker on the back of the Blackmagic device.
Examples None
Source extensions/blackmagic/libblackmagic.m line 210