# cp.strings.source.table

Loads strings from provided tables, allowing for a given language variation. Eg:

local src = require("cp.strings.source.table").new():add("en", {foo = "bar"}):add("en", {foo = "baz"})
local valueEn = src:find("en", "foo") -- "bar"
local valueEs = src:find("en", "foo") -- "baz"

This will load the file for the specified language (replacing ${language} with "en" in the path) and return the value. Notes: This will load the file on each request. To have values cached, use the cp.strings module and specify a plist as a source.

# API Overview

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • new

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • add
  • context
  • find

# API Documentation

# Constructors

# new

Signature cp.strings.source.table.new(context) -> source
Type Constructor
Description Creates a new cp.strings source that loads strings from a plist file.
  • None
  • The new plist source instance.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/strings/source/table.lua line 112

# Methods

# add

Signature cp.strings.source.table:add(keyValues) -> self
Type Method
Description Adds the specified table of key values in the specified language code.
  • keyValues - The table of key/value pairs to define.
  • The cp.string.source.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/strings/source/table.lua line 54

# context

Signature cp.strings.source.table:context([context]) -> table | self
Type Method
Description Gets or sets a context to be set for the source. This typically includes a language, which provides the default language code, but may have other source-specific properties. Calling this method may may clear caches, etc.
  • context - A table with values which may be used by the source.
  • If a new context is provided, the cp.string.source is returned, otherwise the current context table is returned.
  • For example:
  • lua</li><li>mySource:context({language = "fr"}) -- set the default language to French.</li><li>
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/strings/source/table.lua line 29

# find

Signature cp.strings.source.table:find(key) -> string
Type Method
Description Finds the specified key value in the plist file for the specified optional context, if the plist can be found, and contains matching key value.
  • key - The key to retrieve the value for.
  • The value of the key, or nil if not found.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/strings/source/table.lua line 68