Reactive Extensions for Lua.
RxLua gives Lua the power of Observables, which are data structures that represent a stream of values that arrive over time. They're very handy when dealing with events, streams of data, asynchronous requests, and concurrency.
- Originally forked from: https://github.com/bjornbytes/rxlua
- MIT License: https://github.com/bjornbytes/RxLua/blob/master/LICENSE
- cp.rx.AsyncSubject
- cp.rx.BehaviorSubject
- cp.rx.CooperativeScheduler
- cp.rx.ImmediateScheduler
- cp.rx.Observable
- cp.rx.Observer
- cp.rx.Reference
- cp.rx.RelaySubject
- cp.rx.Subject
- cp.rx.TimeoutScheduler
- cp.rx.go