# cp.just

This module provides functions to help with performing tasks which may be delayed, up to a finite number of loops.

# API Overview

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • doUntil
  • doWhile
  • wait

# API Documentation

# Functions

# doUntil

Signature cp.just.doUntil(actionFn[, timeout[, frequency]]) -> value
Type Function
Description Performs an action function, looping until the result of the function evaluates to true (or a non-nil value). It will halt after the timeout in seconds after checking every frequency seconds.
  • actionFn - a fuction which is called on each loop. It should return a 'truthy' value.
  • timeout - (optional) the number of seconds after which we will give up. Defaults to 1 second.
  • frequency - (optional) the amount of time in seconds between checks. Defaults to 1 millisecond.
  • The last return value of the action function.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/just/init.lua line 42

# doWhile

Signature cp.just.doWhile(actionFn[, timeout[, frequency]]) -> value
Type Function
Description Performs an 'action' function, looping while the result of the function evaluates to true. It will halt after timeout seconds, checking with the specified frequency.
  • actionFn - a fuction which is called on each loop. It should return a 'truthy' value.
  • timeout - (optional) the number of seconds after which we will give up. Defaults to 1 second.
  • frequency - (optional) the time between checks. Defaults to 1 millisecond.
  • The last return value of the action function.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/just/init.lua line 16

# wait

Signature cp.just.wait(periodInSeconds) -> nil
Type Function
Description Pauses the application for the specified number of seconds.
  • periodInSeconds - the number of seconds to pause for.
  • None
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/just/init.lua line 68