# cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role

Extends Row

Represents a Role in the Timeline Index.

# API Overview

Constants - Useful values which cannot be changed

  • TYPE

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extension

  • findTitle
  • is
  • matches

Constructors - API calls which return an object, typically one that offers API methods

  • Role

Fields - Variables which can only be accessed from an object returned by a constructor

  • active
  • cellUI
  • subroleRow
  • title

Methods - API calls which can only be made on an object returned by a constructor

  • doActivate
  • doDeactivate
  • type

# API Documentation

# Constants


Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role.TITLE_KEY <table>
Type Constant
Description Contains the list of strings used for default roles.
  • CAPTIONS - "Captions"
  • VIDEO - "Video"
  • TITLES - "Titles"
  • DIALOGUE - "Dialogue"
  • MUSIC - "Music"
  • EFFECTS - "Effects"
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 25


Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role.TYPE <table>
Type Constant
Description Contains the set of role types.
  • VIDEO - A Video Role
  • AUDIO - An Audio Role
  • CAPTION - A Caption Role
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 45

# Functions

# findTitle

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role.findTitle(title) -> string
Type Function
Description Checks if FCPX is not currently running in English, it will check if the title is one of the default English Role titles, and return the current language instead. If it's not found, unmodified title is returned.
  • title - A string to find.
  • A string
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 87

# is

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role.is(thing) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Checks if the thing is a Role.
  • thing - The thing to check
  • true if the thing is a Table instance.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 74

# matches

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role.matches(element) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Checks if the element is a Role.
  • element - the axuielement to check.
  • true if it matches, otherwise false.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 59

# Constructors

# Role

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role(parent, uiFinder, type)
Type Constructor
Description Creates the new Role. Typically this is not called directly, but rather by one of the subclass roles, such as AudioRole or VideoRole.
  • parent - The parent Element
  • uiFinder - The function or cp.prop that provides the axuielement.
  • type - The [#TYPE] of Role.
  • The new Role instance.
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 109

# Fields

# active

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role.active <cp.ui.CheckBox>
Type Field
Description The CheckBox that determines if the Role is active in the timeline.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 159

# cellUI

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role.cellUI <cp.prop: axuielement; read-only>
Type Field
Description The AXCell axuielement containing the Role details.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 141

# subroleRow

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role.subroleRow <cp.prop: boolean; read-only>
Type Field
Description This is true if the Role is an Subrole Row.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 150

# title

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role.title <cp.ui.StaticText>
Type Field
Description The StaticText containing the title.
Notes None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 168

# Methods

# doActivate

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role:doActivate() -> cp.rx.go.Statement.md
Type Method
Description A Statement that will activate the current role, if possible.
  • None
  • Statement
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 177

# doDeactivate

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role:doDeactivate() -> cp.rx.go.Statement.md
Type Method
Description A Statement that will deactivate the current role, if possible.
  • None
  • Statement
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 190

# type

Signature cp.apple.finalcutpro.timeline.Role:type() -> cp.apple.finalcut.timeline.Role.TYPE
Type Method
Description Returns the type of Role this is.
  • None
  • Role Type
Notes None
Examples None
Source src/extensions/cp/apple/finalcutpro/timeline/Role.lua line 128